Good weather allows people to take advantage of the many waterways in the Holland area. Relaxing on a boat with friends or family is an excellent way to enjoy the outdoors while feeling the sun and breeze. Unfortunately, sometimes boats get into accidents that can lead to life-altering injuries.
If a boating crash harmed you or your loved one, you deserve help. You are already shouldering the physical and emotional cost of your injuries and damages. You should not also carry the financial toll. A Holland boat accident lawyer can help you pursue compensation from the person or entity responsible. Reach out to our talented personal injury attorneys at Charles E. Boyk Law Offices to learn more.
Different Types of Watercraft Accidents
Several different types of boating incidents can cause serious injuries.
Collisions Between Two Vessels
When two boats collide, a passenger or operator onboard either of the vessels could file suit against the at-fault driver.
Collision with a Fixed Object
Inattentive or inexperienced boat operators can hit buoys, docks, or partially submerged rocks. A passenger could pursue legal relief against a boat’s operator if they were injured because the operator failed to notice a fixed object.
Collision with a Person in the Water
When a boat strikes a person, serious injuries can occur. Even traveling at low speeds, a watercraft can knock a person over and pose a risk of drowning. A vessel’s propellers can also cause deep lacerations and other catastrophic injuries to a swimmer, water skier, or wader.
Hitting Another Vessel’s Wake
Hitting another vessel’s wake can cause a boat’s passenger to fall overboard. An injured passenger could pursue a claim against the boat operator that caused the wake if the accident happened when the vessel was in a no-wake zone.
Lack of Safety Equipment
Boats must have enough life jackets for every passenger. They must also have flares and whistles. Even a minor accident can become more serious when they do not have safety equipment.
Falling Overboard
Often, the most severe injuries occur when people fall overboard. They can suffer hypothermia due to prolonged exposure to cold water, and they could drown.
Our seasoned Holland boating accident attorneys have had success helping survivors of many different types of accidents. We are willing to dig deep to find out what happened and then work hard to get results.
Possible Damages After a Holland Vessel Collision
A watercraft accident can have a profound effect on your life. You might have to pay for expensive repairs or a replacement if you owned the damaged boat. You could also find yourself burdened by large medical bills on top of having days, weeks, or months of lost wages. These are examples of economic damages that could be reimbursed with a successful accident claim.
If your injury is long-term, you may also face a reduction in future earning capacity and need emotional therapy to cope with your anger, anxiety, or depression. Non-economic damages such as these are also recoverable. Our dedicated Holland attorneys can work tirelessly to help you get full compensation for the hardships you have suffered after a boating collision.
Reach Out to a Holland Boat Accident Attorney
A boating accident can wreak havoc on your life. You may face numerous changes and feel uncertain of what steps to take first. A Holland boat accident lawyer can help. Our experienced attorneys will strive to understand how an incident has impacted your life and assist you in seeking the appropriate compensation from the responsible party.
Reach out to Charles E. Boyk Law Offices today to schedule a free and confidential consultation. Our no-fee promise means we do not collect any payment unless we are successful in recovering damages for you.